We interviewed Mr Elliott and asked him 10 questions, here are his responses:
1) Did you appear in a school play? I did at primary school but I don't recall them at my secondary school. 2) What did you want to be when you were younger? A professional athlete. 3) What was your first ever job? - As a child: I worked in Alldays (a newspaper store) - As an adult: I was a personal trainer 4) What is your favourite sandwich? Depends on my mood: I don't really have one. 5) What GCSEs did you take? PE, Business, Food, IT.
6) What is your favourite fancy dress costume? Random. I don't have one! 7) What was your favourite and least favourite subject at school? I don't like saying a least favourite subject as I didn't have the right mindset (very fixed) at school. I know if I had the opportunity again I would apply myself better in everything. 8) What advice would you give to your younger self? You CAN achieve anything (and Read, Read, Read!). 9) If you could do any other job for the day, what would it be? Be a professional athlete! 10) Which teacher would you most like to sing a duet with? Mr Meitiner-Harvey. His silver hair would reflect off of my bald head and be a very romantic moment! Thank you to Mr Elliott for finding time for this interview!