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The 10 Weirdest Jobs

Grace Wells

Updated: Jul 16, 2022

Around this time, year 9 students are looking at choosing their GCSEs: four (along with the core) subjects that they will study for the next two years. If you are not sure what to pick - or it all feels a little too overwhelming - fear not! Here are the 10 weirdest jobs in the world:

10. Professional Bridesmaid

Professional bridesmaids help calm the nerves of panicked brides and complete a lengthy list of tasks in order to keep the wedding day running smoothly. Individuals with this job usually get paid £300-£1500 per event, meaning it pays good money.

9. Professional Car Watcher

In some countries, especially where theft and vandalism are rife, you can pay someone to watch your car and make sure it hasn’t been stolen. Most also get paid by the hour, meaning that it does pay surprisingly well.

8. Professional Line Queuer

Ever not been bothered to wait in a tedious line outside of a shop? Well, you can pay a professional line queuer to stand in lines for you (for hours and hours) on special event days like Black Friday.

7. Dice Quality Inspector

When you roll a dice, you have equal probabilities of landing on each number (eg the probability of landing on 1 is ⅙). Ever wondered why and how? Dice inspectors measure the length and mass measurements of a dice to ensure that the probabilities are equal and not biased.

6. Legal Bank Robber

A legal bank robber is employed to test the security of a bank without going to prison. Some of the tasks to be completed are computer hacking, impersonating police officers and identity theft.

5. Bed Warmer

A bed warmer is paid privately (by a family) or by an institution to lay/sleep in beds and act as a hot water bottle. This means that when a guest visits, they will find the bed snug and cosy, and won’t yearn for the heating to be switched on!

4. Dog Surf Teacher

Some hotels and resorts offer surfing lessons for both you and your dog companion to learn how to surf together - there are even some dog daycare centres which run regular surfing classes for animals!

3. Chicken Sexer

The job of a chicken sexer is to identify the sexes of chicks when they are born, so that they can serve their respective purposes. This involves distinguishing the chicks from large huddles and groups….sounds fun.

2. Dog Food Tester

This sounds like a disgusting job...and probably is. Dog food testers taste new dog food on the market (eg dry food, wet foot and dog treats) to test the flavour, texture and how easy it is to digest. After all, a dog has very high standards!

1. Odor Judge

Ever wondered how companies test the efficiency of deodorants, perfumes, shower gels and other products which promise to ‘take away any odors’? Companies hire ‘odor judges’ to smell volunteers’ breath and armpits (etc), and even have their sense of smell tested monthly to avoid biased/inaccurate results!

There you have it: the ten weirdest jobs in the world. Hopefully now it will inspire you and show that there really is a job for everything - adding some comedic value to it too! Which, do you think, is the weirdest job on this list?

By Grace Wells


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