We interviewed Miss Burt, here are her responses:
1) What three things would you take with you to a desert island?
My bed, My Dog - Nelly and suncream! I hate getting sunburnt, and I can only presume it would be hot and sunny there!
2) What did you want to be when you were younger?
When I was younger I really wanted to be a lawyer/psychologist.
3) If you could have dinner with any historical figure who would it be and what would you cook for them?
Henry VIII and I would produce an absolute banquet, which I know he would appreciate and so would I, because I love food.
4) What was your first ever job?
My first job was a pot wash in a pub, I took this job when I was 14 I think.
5) If you could be any famous figure for the day who would it be and why?
I would be David Attenborough because I love animals and I would love to know and feel how passionate he is about our planet and the animal kingdom.
6) Who has been the biggest influence on your career?
My mentor when I trained to be a teacher in 2014/2015. He was so positive and really taught me to be the kind of teacher I am today. He still sends a message now and again to check in with my teaching journey. I also think the people I have worked with since being at Felixstowe School have influenced me massively, through all the different experiences and conversations I have been immersed in.
7) If you could do any job for the day, what would it be and why? An underwater photographer on the Great barrier Reef. 8) What advice would you give to your younger self? Take a positive from every day and don't let the minor negatives get you down. 9) There is a teacher's quiz night, which three teachers would you choose to join your team? This was super tricky! However, I would have to say; Mr Wanner, Mr Meitiner-Harvey and Mrs Wilson-Downes. 10) What GCSEs did you take? Food Technology, PE. History and Geography were my optional subjects. I then had to take ICT, English, Maths, Science and RE. Thank you to Miss Burt for finding time for this interview.