Today is Earth Day, a day of the year where we celebrate our planet and spread awareness about the ongoing issue of climate change. You may be pondering right now, since when did we have an Earth Day? That’s the problem, we aren’t aware of such things like Earth Day, I didn’t even know what it was till I properly looked it up. Once again you may be asking yourself, Rylie, why are you getting so worked up about a day where we celebrate a mud ball flying through space? To that I would say, we are on the turning point of global warming (as you should know if you don’t live under a rock) and we need things like Earth Day to help us better our future and the generations to come. So if you read on, I can tell you why you should be concerned and even the smallest things you can do to help.
Although it hasn’t been on the news recently (because it’s covid this, covid that) we are rapidly approaching our deadline. Think of the Earth as a carton of milk, it has a due date right, however if you leave the milk out on the side too slowly but surely warm, it's going to go all rotten and expire past its expected time - and that's what's happening right now with Earth. We have less than a decade to reverse all of this mayhem otherwise it’ll be too late, we would have gone past the tipping point. Some of you could be thinking that this isn’t real, that the extreme weather could be a just a cycle the Earth goes through, and you would be right but how fast it’s going is at an unprecedented rate.
Although I have practically said we are all goners, we won’t be goners if we all work together to help the Earth and the future of humanity. You now may be asking, what I am 1 person out of 7 billion people on this planet going to be able to do to help. Well as Tesco’s say “Every little helps” considering they sell your packed lunch and Sunday roasts, at this moment in time it is a motto we can all live by. Whether that is taking a waking up just a tad early to walk to school, or spending 10p on a bag for life instead of the one use ones. Those are only a few things you can do and there is much more you can do. You are able to incorporate it into your everyday life without even having to really think about it.
I know it doesn't seem like it’s possible, but during this last year we were doing it, all of the restrictions have actually helped the planet out a lot, though we are slowly slipping into our old habits. We need to keep this planet alive, it’s our home, fine Elon Musk and all the other billionaires claim we can inhibit other planets, but we can’t let it get to that. So today, and not just today, everyday think about how you may be impacting this planet and how you can help. I’d also recommend checking out, the website goes into more detail on how you can play your part. By Rylie King