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Felixstowe's Soaring Grades

This year’s results have been a record-breaker for the school; the student and staff cohort worked hard and continuously throughout lockdown and the uncertainty of exams, catching up on work and attending intervention sessions. Every single student and staff member helped to put their all into preparing mentally and physically for the hurdles that awaited, and this paid off. Year 11’s results are the best results the school has had to date; here are a few words from the Headteacher, Mrs Wilson-Downes:

“I am so incredibly proud of what the students achieved this summer, supported by a brilliant group of teachers and support staff. Despite the adversity of the last few years, and the uncertainty whilst they were in Year 11, the students performed magnificently and this is reflected in their outcomes. We know they will go on to do amazing things in the future, and we are proud to call them our Alumni. As with all Old Felixstownians, we look forward to hearing from them in the years to come about the great things they go on to achieve in their futures.”

By Grace Wells


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